Alumni Reunion Dinner Cum HSUHK Uniquely Common Concert
To support the HSUHK Uniquely Common Concert, HSUHK’s first-ever large-scale fundraising concert celebrating the 5th anniversary of the acquisition of its university title, the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO) co-organised an alumni reunion dinner with HSUHK Alumni Association on 26 October 2023, scheduled right before the Concert.
The dinner was held at a restaurant at the City Hall and was attended by alumni and AAAO staff members. During the dinner, the participants not only enjoyed joyful and nostalgic moments walking down the memory lane, but also caught up on the latest development of HSUHK.
After the dinner, the alumni proceeded to attend the Concert and took group photos with President Simon Ho. Before the show, the alumni already showed their anticipation and appreciation for the Concert.
The Concert was started off with the performance from HSUHK Sinfonietta, followed by the kick off ceremony officiated by Mr Kevin Yeung Yun Hung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism; Dr the Hon Moses Cheng, Council Chairman; Professor Simon S M Ho, President; Dr Patrick Poon and Dr Francis Yuen, Co-Chairmen of the Concert Organising Committee; Mr Thomas Liang, Chief Executive of Wei Lun Foundation Limited, the principal supporter of the Concert; Dr Warren Mok, world-renowned tenor; and Mr Ronald Kwok, Chairman of Opera Hong Kong.
The world-renowned tenor Dr Warren Mok impressed the audience with his wonderful singing voice and performed with Dr the Hon Moses Cheng and Mr Ronald Kwok, who also gave a recital right before. The audience enjoyed the performance and were immersed in the atmosphere of classical and pop music. The Concert also had some alumni and students invited to sing and play the instruments.
The Concert ended with all performers and audience singing “Below the Lion Rock”. It showcased the talents and the passion for arts and music of our performers, including University members, students and alumni. Alumni spoke highly of the Concert and were surprised by the special drum performance.
Thanks to the unwavering support from the audience including our alumni, the Uniquely Common Concert came to its success and the performances surpassed all expectations. All alumni look forward to the next alumni event that will gather them all together again. The University also hopes to organise more reunions to reconnect with the alumni community in the future.

Mr Dicky Yuen, Chairman of HSUHK Alumni Association; Dr Eden Chow, Chairperson of Alumni Affairs Committee and also alumna; and staff members from Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office joined the alumni reunion dinner and met with the alumni.

The alumni had a joyful dinner before attending the HSUHK

The supportive alumni attended the HSUHK Uniquely Common Concert after the reunion dinner and took a group photo with President Simon Ho
(sixth from right).