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HSUHK Erudition Professorship Scheme

Introduction of HSUHK

Having evolved with the times to achieve university status in 2018, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is a vibrant self-financed institution which offers programmes that are unique and the first of its kind in the region. All programmes were accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) and recognised by the Governments of the HKSAR, mainland China and Taiwan.

The success of its forerunners Hang Seng School of Commerce and Hang Seng Management College has laid the solid foundation for HSUHK to become a leading private university in the region, recognised for its excellence in teaching, learning, and research, serving and advancing our society and the world.

Grooming top-notch responsible leaders

The University is characterised by small class teaching, very close student-teacher interactions, mentorship for individual students outside classrooms, dynamic learning environment, residential college experience, and vast opportunities for internship, international exchange and independent research.

In line with our advocacy of the transformative power of the “Liberal + Professional” education model, the last few years have witnessed such key achievements as delivery of innovative programmes, top-quality faculty members, and award-winning students in open competitions.

With unremitting efforts to nurture well-rounded students by inculcating in them critical thinking, an innovative mind, a caring attitude and a strong sense of social responsibility, the University has sent forth graduates highly regarded by employers over the years.

Education and research for marked social impacts

The research funding received from the SAR Government’s Research Grants Council has enabled us to register the highest amount of the five-year cumulative funding and the highest number of awarded research projects among all the local self-financed degree-granting institutions.

Our unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, coupled with the Residential College system to create a holistic “living-cum-learning” environment on campus, embraces education and research with a marked impact on society.


The Scheme

Pushing the boundaries on the academic front

The HSUHK Erudition Professorship Scheme plays a significant role in enabling the University to strengthen our team of distinguished faculty members.

Apart from acknowledging the attainment of acclaimed academics within the HSUHK campus, the Scheme will facilitate the recruitment or engagement of world-renowned scholars from both local and overseas to enhance the University’s academic excellence in related areas.

The generous support from contributors will enable HSUHK to retain and attract outstanding academics to push back the frontiers of knowledge.

Honouring excellence

The Scheme begins with a minimum annual donation of HK$1.5 million, pledged for a minimum of 3–5 years. The pledged fund will be fully deployed to facilitate the creation of the Professorship. During that period, the faculty member in that position will carry the title, renewable subject to mutual agreement. The honour of a named Professorship will be bestowed upon an eminent academic for an area of the donor’s choice.

Alternatively, HSUHK Erudition Professorship Scheme can be tailored to the donor’s interest. Please feel free to let us know your preference.

Wide coverage of academic disciplines

Named Professorships are available within the far-ranging disciplines among the five schools of HSUHK, i.e. Schools of Business, Communication, Decision Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, and Translation and Foreign Languages as follows:

Actuarial Studies and Insurance

• Applied and Human-Centred Computing

• Applied Economics

• Art and Design

• Asian Studies

• Accounting

• Banking & Finance

• Business Journalism

• Chinese Language

• Convergent Media & Communication Technology

• Corporate Communication

• Corporate Governance

• Cultural and Creative Industries

• Data Science & Business Intelligence

• English Language

• Environment and Sustainability

• Financial Analysis

• FinTech and Blockchain

• Global Business Management

• Human Resource Management

• Management

• Management Science & Information Management

• Marketing

• Supply Chain Management

• Translation with Business

• And more…

Resounding acknowledgement of generous benefaction

In honour of a donor, a corporation, or any honouree(s) as per the donor’s wish, the Professorship will be named accordingly. For instance:

Professor Lee Pok Hok, Philip

[Donor’s Name] Professor of Accountancy

The donors and incumbents of the Professorships will be officially honoured at an inauguration ceremony, where a special gift will be presented to donors to commemorate their benefaction for the Scheme.

Reports will be compiled regularly to update donors on the academic achievements in research and development supported by them.

The incumbents will carry their respective titles in full on official occasions and in all documentation, including academic publications, publicity materials, and international exchange activities at seminars and conferences.

Gearing up for a brighter future

In the light of HSUHK’s self-financing nature, the realisation of its goal of “creating and transferring knowledge, grooming responsible leaders” will not be possible without the staunch support and generosity of our contributors. The benevolence of donors is crucial to the University’s sustainable development and advancement.

With continued philanthropic support from the wider community, HSUHK will be able to carry on with our mission to nurture future pillars of society. Our University is geared towards joining hands with friends and partners for the direct betterment of Hong Kong and the region.

Further Information


Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office


Mr Tony Tong
Tel: 3963 5062            Fax: 3963 5276
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk



Room N405, Lo Hui Kit San Building, Yuen Campus,

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,

Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen,

Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


Address: Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk    Tel: (852) 3963 5169