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HSUHK M Building Renovation Fund-raising Campaign

Why Donate

Over the past decades, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) has blossomed into the most rapidly evolving local private university in Hong Kong.  Recently, HSUHK embarked on a very meaningful fund-raising campaign with the aim of amassing HK$22.6 million.  This campaign is poised to fuel the renovation and improvement of the M building, promising to benefit more HSUHK students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supporters with a long time ahead.

The Campaign

Constructed in 1980, the M Building at HSUHK holds significant historical value for the university. It houses the M Canteen, classrooms, academic and administrative offices, serving HSUHK students and staff for many years.  For over four decades, this iconic building has been a cradle for nurturing talent, significantly contributing to the community of Hong Kong. It has been a silent witness to the academic achievements and personal growth of innumerable students, tracing their journey from Hang Seng School of Commerce, through Hang Seng Management College, and onto the present esteemed The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.  It is a prominent place for academic exchanges and knowledge inheritance. However, time has taken its toll on the M Building, which now urgently needs refurbishment. The newly renovated building will provide a modern and conducive environment that promotes effective teaching, learning and working.

M Building in 1980s

M Building Now

The funds garnered through this campaign will be judiciously allocated towards the enhancement of infrastructure, the modernisation of facilities, and the beautification of the M Building, thereby aligning with HSUHK’s sustainability objectives.

How Your Donation Will Be Utilised

Infrastructure improvement:

  • rewiring the existing electrical installation system, renovating the water tank, the acoustic equipment, and renewing the genset, etc.
  • repainting and refurbishing ceilings, and the internal & exterior walls.

Upgrading of facilities:

  • modernisation of classrooms, offices, water meter cabinet and lavatories within the M Building.

The Impact of Your Donation

These state-of-the-art facilities will equip students with cutting-edge resources and conducive spaces for academic pursuits, enabling them to unlock their full learning potential.  Moreover, a pristine and comfortable environment will invigorate faculty and staff, fostering a positive and productive atmosphere. Lastly, in our quest to revitalise the M Building, we will undertake a series of preventive measures against water leakage, mold growth, and damage to parts that could compromise the building’s functionality.  By using energy-efficient materials, we can minimise heat loss or gain, thereby reducing energy consumption and achieving long-term cost savings. A well-maintained building is instrumental in safeguarding the lives and property of students, faculty, and staff.


The success of this fund-raising campaign highly relies on the support and generosity of our esteemed staff, students, alumni, and HSUHK supporters. You are cordially invited to support this meaningful initiative. Your generosity ensures that we can transform HSUHK for the better and help the M Building continue to fulfil its mission in serving the HSUHK community in many years to come.

Further Information

Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office

Tel: 3963 5079            Fax: 3963 5276
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk


Room N405, Lo Hui Kit San Building, Yuen Campus,

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong,

Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen,

Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


Address: Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk    Tel: (852) 3963 5169