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Reunion Of 1980s Alumni on campus

To strengthen the connection with our alumni community, President Simon Ho hosted a luncheon at The Always for around 20 alumni from the 1980s on 27 May 2017. It was a nostalgic moment for those alumni to revisit the campus and meet old friends, sharing their interesting school stories.


President Ho expressed his warmest appreciation for the alumni’s participation. He took the opportunity to update participants on the latest developments of the College since its application for private university title to Education Bureau in March. He added that the College aimed to acquire the status by 2018 and appealed for greater support from alumni.


Participating alumni also took the chance to catch up and reminisce about their past at HSSC. To update visiting alumni on the latest developments of their alma mater, AAAO arranged for student ambassadors to accompany them on a guided tour. During the tour, the alumni had a chance to familiarize themselves with the HSMC campus by visiting traditional classrooms and lecture rooms at building M as well as recently-completed facilities, including S H Ho Academic Building, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building and HSMC Plaza.



President Ho (Front row, 3rd from left) hosted a luncheon on campus for alumni from the 1980s.
Savouring classroom learning again in the lecture theatre.
Admiring the scenic roof garden of Jockey Club Residential Colleges.
Alumni learned about the residential life of their junior fellows.
Alumni come back to alma mater and visit the College’s latest facilities


Address: Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk    Tel: (852) 3963 5169