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Visit from members of Henan Provincial CCCPPC to HSMC Campus

Visit from Members of Henan Provincial Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to HSMC Campus.


Prof. Yang Limin, Standing Committee Member of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee, together with five members of the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee, namely Mr Stephen Chan, Dr Yeung Hoi Shan, Mr Stephen Chun Nam Yip, Ms Lu Bing Shan and Mr Xu Bo Lin, visited Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) campus on 26 August 2016. They were greeted by President Prof. Simon SM Ho and Ms Ada Leung, Associate Vice-President (Advancement and Industry Liaisons), in the President’s office. Prof. Ho briefed them on the College’s latest developments and exchanged ideas on relevant educational issues.


The visitors were not only given a tour of Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, S H Ho Academic Building and Sports and Amenities Centre, but also experienced first-hand the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), a state-of-the-art facility newly set up by the Department of Supply Chain Management. We, at HSMC, welcome the visit from members from the CPPCC Henan Provincial Committee and look forward to collaborating with them in advancing the development of HSMC.



Participants share a light-hearted moment during an icebreaker activity
Participants share a light-hearted moment during an icebreaker activity
The visitors experiencing first-hand the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)


Address: Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk    Tel: (852) 3963 5169