Alumni Chill and Chat Series (1st Episode: RSM Hong Kong)
The first episode of the “Alumni Chill and Chat Series” organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office was held on 28 October 2021 in collaboration with RSM Hong Kong. The reunion event was staged exclusively for alumni working at RSM Hong Kong, home to a large pool of HSUHK graduates and student interns. Over 40 HSUHK alumni, staff members and students joined the event.
This debut episode was hosted by President Simon S.M. Ho. Special thanks go to Prof. Eugene Liu, HSUHK’s Adjunct Professor and Managing Partner of RSM Hong Kong, who was supportive of this event and acted as the moderator. Based on his personal experience, President Ho explained why key qualities including competencies and attitudes are required for alumni’s career development. Prof. Eugene Liu stressed the importance of having a good foundation in the profession and shared the work culture at RSM Hong Kong, which offers its employees a wide range of exposures.
Being experienced and professional scholars in the accounting field, Prof. Kevin Lam, Head of Department of Accountancy, and Dr Eden Chow, Senior Lecturer of Department of Accountancy, were invited to share their views on graduates’ development and advancement along the career paths. Besides professional qualifications, they also highlighted other factors including lifelong learning and networking, and most importantly, integrity and attitudes.
Three alumni who are seasoned professionals at RSM Hong Kong and one student intern were invited to introduce their departments and share their working experiences in the company. All participants have found the sharing meaningful and inspiring.