Eco-Pledge Campaign for the development of an Eco-Friendly Campus
The Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office (AAAO) of Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) launches the Eco-Pledge Campaign, which aims to provide an opportunity for all HSMC members and friends to participate in witnessing and supporting the development of a more sustainable campus
Aspiring to be a leading private university in Hong Kong and adopting the unique “Liberal + Professional” education model, HSMC nurtures not only outstanding and well-rounded students, but also makes conservation efforts around the campus in an attempt to minimise its impact on the environment, and promote sustainable development.
In the near future, HSMC will be expanding the eco-friendly campus till 45,000 square metres. Through the Eco-Pledge Campaign, we would like to appeal fellows who share the passion in higher education to donate and support us for attaining new heights in grooming talents for the benefits of our future. As a token of appreciation, for donation of $30,000 or above, HSMC will choose a plant on campus for acknowledging the support. The name of the donor will be engraved on a commemorative plaque and place next to the plant.
For more details or enquiries of the Eco-Pledge Campaign, please contact AAAO (Tel: 3963 5169 or, or visit our website