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Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series: How the world’s economy can recover—the way forward for Hong Kong

The third episode of the Industry Leaders’ Chatroom Series organised by the Advancement and Alumni Affairs Office was held on 14 October 2020. Distinguished investment banker Mr Francis Yuen, Independent Non-Executive Deputy Chairman of Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited, was invited to speak on the topic “Global Economic Recovery”. Dr Andy Cheng, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance cum Associate Director of the Research Institute for Business, was the moderator.


Mr Yuen critically analysed the global economy status, new market structure and keys to economic recovery. About 400 members from the HSUHK family including members of the Board of Governors, Council and Sub-committees, HSUHK – Foundation, as well as alumni, staff and students registered for the event. Mr Yuen interacted with the participants online and exchanged opinions on the challenges faced by Hong Kong and the opportunities ahead.


Please click here view the event.

From right: President Prof. Simon Ho, Mr Francis Yuen and Moderator Dr Andy Cheng
Mr Francis Yuen’s sharing


Address: Hang Shin Link, Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Email: aaao@hsu.edu.hk    Tel: (852) 3963 5169